Process Reengineering & Change

Process re-engineering is about staging the scene right before a tech/software deployment or a change in business model. However, for Small and Medium Enterprises, process re-design may be the solution to replace oldschool legacy mindsets.

SMEs struggle in maintaining consistency of their products and services as work is extremely people-dependent.  Further, when efficient processes fail to take shape, it becomes extremely difficult to bring accountability to work.

People-driven work styles for extremely predictable tasks creates an unproductive environment. A standardised efficient process, with automation levers, and clear protocols for exception handling lays the foundation for cost reduction and further Organizational Development.


First AvocaDO uses both functional expertise and industry-backed domain research for process redesign. We ensure that both operational excellence and business objectives are aligned to process design. 

We revisit roles, job tasks, competencies, skills, and the interdependent process deliverables. We explore process automation tools with cost-benefit and the interplay of human-machine interactions.

To ensure, continuous fine tuning of process design is ongoing, we bake in proven methodology to create a feedback loop that is attuned to best practices for productivity and profitability.

More importantly, First AvocaDO focuses much on the change aspects of such intervention. It works to ensure that the project achieves maximum buy-in within a short period of time – ensuring a seamless change management.


We have experience in managing minimal disruptions in a process re-engineering exercise targeted to increase the productivity of a manufacturing company.

For a comprehensive understanding of our solution or implementation stories, go to our work section or reach us at

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